Chances are you have overheard a statement something along the lines of – Girls these days have such thin hair! Whether the speaker is an annoying neighbour, a critical hairdresser, or a waspish aunt, there is a kernel of truth in the pronouncement. Our manes have gotten much thinner than that of our ancestresses. More and more of us search supermarket aisles for “volumizing” shampoos as we change our hair parts around. Thick hair just seems like an unattainable dream!

Dermatologists say the increased hair loss is natural in contemporary times. Our diet is filled with hormone and pesticide-laden foods, the air in our cities – we are looking at you, Delhi! – is more toxic than ever and as for the weather. Well, the world is becoming the kind of hotter, drier place that turns silk to straw.
Looks apocalyptic, doesn’t it? But there is still hope. Experts say we can prevent hair fall and have healthy, thick hair if – and this is a big if – we adjust our diet and hair care to contemporary needs. So hold up your brushes, solemnly cross your hearts and promise you shall:
Eat at least one gooseberry fruit every day: Which is to say, the humble amla. Any other equally rich source of vitamin C will do too. It is a proven scientific fact Vitamin C deficiency leads to weak, dry hair. Further, the body does not synthesize this vitamin on its own, so you need to supplement naturally.

Balance your hormones: Hair care isn’t just about using the right products. Hormone health is also key to maintaining lush hair. Get tested for imbalances and correct. For instance, cut out “white” foods entirely if you have PCOS and you will see hair health improve in the long run.
Use quality hair oil: That is, actually invest time and energy in caring for your hair. Never yank a comb through wet hair, even if you are rushed, patiently oil it two-three nights a week, treat it to a weekly massage, and so on. Remember care today, hair tomorrow!