Exams. Books. Study Sessions. We spend almost 15 years finding a way around coping with these words, yet we still don’t get used to the stress it brings us. Getting your head in the game for two long hours is difficult, especially as our social lives get back on track. It is challenging to not procrastinate by watching that last episode of our favourite show or waiting for the clock to strike an even number.

But, what if you could make studying fun? Try Something New by changing your study routines and break the monotony of reading chapter after chapter without feeling overwhelmed. Here are a few study tips to efficiently manage and enjoy your sessions.
Tip # 1 – Try Turning Studying Into A Game
You heard it right – study like you’re playing a game. There are many resources available on the internet that will help you create flashcards, quizzes and puzzles of your study material which can help you test yourself.

Tip #2 – Try Getting Creative
Turning your studies into a game is a great study hack, but that’s not all. Try using diagrams. To visualise all the topics consider drawing up Venn diagrams, pie charts etc., to break down each chapter. You can also record yourself reciting the information, it may help absorb the information better. Another tip to give a shot is mnemonics. A mnemonic is a pattern of letters and ideas that help remember important information.
Tip # 3 – Try Listening To Music
Studies say that the capacity of the brain increases when listening to songs. Nothing loud like rock or heavy metal – soft music that could help you concentrate, available online on Youtube and Spotify.
Another suggestion would be to check out the “Study With Me” videos. Youtube, Discord have platforms that enable you to study with people worldwide, so you don’t feel alone.

Tip# 4 – Try Rewarding Yourself
Stick to the schedules and study plans you make. Figure out how much time you will take on each topic, and set mini-deadlines to hold yourself accountable. Once you meet these deadlines, pause, take a break and reward yourself! When we’re dieting, we all have cheat days, so why not with studies?
Watch your favourite Youtube video, call a friend, eat your favourite chocolate or try healthier options like the Dark Chocolate Mint from Mojo Thins. Don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for completing the task at hand.
Tip# 5 – Try Studying In Different Places
Sitting on your study table for 5 hours could get frustrating. As a study hack, keep switching places, so you get a change in environment and don’t get completely sick of the study routine.

Ultimately, you’re the only one who can make it fun. Of course, it’s possible for you to get frazzled due to the amount of information you need to retain. Take a step back, try all of the above mentioned tips, and we hope you feel better about studying!